Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Little Tigersharks

 Our summer so far has been very chlorinated.  Our little Tigersharks have been busy with morning practices and, now that it is finally summertime-warm, a return visit to the pool in the afternoon.

Jack's first meet was June 22nd (Ivy was at her Hogwarts camp that day) and our boy did us proud, with first place finishes in both of his individual events (the 100 IM and the 50 Breast).  He's in a new age bracket this year and we had wondered if his swimming prowess would hold up against kiddos a year older than him.  We need not have worried as he handily trounced his competition.  The relay teams in his new bracket aren't quite as strong as our super-competitive boy would hope, but he handled their defeats with a great attitude.  Couldn't be more proud of this guy.

On the best days, afternoons at Cumberland look like this...  Living the dream as we read and sip iced coffee while the children swim with friends... 

 Next meet:  July 29, home meet at our new CHHS pool.  Ivy's first meet of the season (about time!) and despite her fussing that she did NOT want to do meets, she had a great time.   It's amazing how much she has grown as a swimmer over the course of this year.  New age bracket for this kid too, with significantly longer distances, and she rocked it.  Here is she is heading off for her 100 IM!  (second place by .45 of a second!).  She also got second in her 50 breast and BOTH of her relay teams came in first.  Jack only had one individual event and two relays so he got some practice in humility when his sister's overall record for the day exceeded his.  It's good for him.

 This is the face of a girl who just may have changed her mind about swim meets.

Nat and I are so pleased that the kiddos are both enjoying swim team. They get up early without (too much) complaint and work their tails off in practice.  They are positive teammates and good sports at the meets.  AND their swimming is not half bad, which is pretty nice too. 

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