Thursday, March 27, 2014

Big Spring

I am posting tonight from Wyoming, while on spring break, in a place where spring seems like it may in fact be a possibility, whispering on the balmy prairie winds.  More on our visit to Guernsey in a bit;  for tonight's stolen moment, a look back at the last few weeks of March at home.  I've been giving March a bit of a hard time this year.  To my credit, March has also given me a hard time, so I'm not too sorry.  But looking at the 96 photos I've saved in our March album so far, I am thinking maybe I judged this month a bit too harshly.  

Here for your viewing pleasure, a mostly-photos post (because I am jet-lag exhausted) of our valiant attempts to conjure springtime in late March 2014...

A visit to "Sandstruction" at the Children's museum.  Of course, every other family in the Greater Cleveland area also thought a giant indoor sandbox was just what the doctor ordered, so it was a madhouse.  But fun!

We found a quiet spot in the "nursery" where the kids carefully nurtured several dolls for upwards of 30 minutes.  Too cute.

 We listened to a reading of "Cat in the Hat" after which there was a chance to meet the Cat himself.  The room was a mob scene and Ivy had gone up front to hear the story.  Looking for her after, I found that she had gotten herself 4th in line to meet the Cat, and was standing there nice as you please.  She does love people in giant animal costumes.

Friday nights at Legacy are back!  Even though the bookstore, and the toy store, and really any place to go with our children have disappeared, the hours spent here with our friends remain one of my fondest traditions.  We had a grand time playing tag on the upper level, and fitting all 8 of us on one bench, shopping at Gymboree and sharing Chipotle and frozen yogurt.  Good times indeed.

Big Spring has come back to the Botanical Gardens.  Perfect magic as always.

Jack got to hold a just-hatched butterfly!!

This is how our beautiful daughter prepped herself for the event.  Sadly in this photo you can't really see the gold clip on earrings juxtaposed against the monster hat.

And a couple random shots of Ivy girl.  Because she's cute and cute things go with spring, right?

Love to all!  A post about our time in the wild west soon!  We've just got a bit more of it to enjoy first.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lambs and Ivy (and Jack too!)

I've decided that I don't share enough of the cute things my children say.  I'm sorry about that.  Because you all really do deserve to enjoy the wonder that is talking with these two little people.  It's just that there is SO much to share that by the time I get around to writing, my overloaded and overtired brain can't seem to wort out the memories...

I'm going to try to recount a few moments, today.

This morning Ivy was snuggled into our bed (par for the course by about 4am most days) and was just waking up.  She's the lovey-est little thing when she first wakes up and today she decided she needed to expound on just how much she loved me.  Hair all sleep-curly, she said: "Mom.  I love you from dis finger (touches her pointer finger) to dis finger, to dis finger, to dis pinky, to dis tumb...." and so on for each finger, each arm, and each leg... "and that's a LOT!"  I tried to one-up her by talking about going on from my fingers to the moon, but she didn't buy it, instead recounting the love emanating from all the previous body parts, and her toes too.  She's a delicious little thing.

She's been on a bit of  mom kick recently--and by recently, Nat would explain, I mean the past 6 months or so--asking for me every morning, wondering if I have choir or any other engagements that will require me to leave.  The past few days her dramas have all involved absent or dead mothers, which really makes one wonder.  And feel guilty for being gone too much...   At any rate she has a new princess doll, Jasmine, who she has decided is her "twin".  And she and Jasmine live by themselves, with no mother.  But they aren't grown-ups!  Nope.  They do just fine on their own. Except they need a "helper" and that is me.  So all morning I got to follow Ivy around, listening to her earnest, two-sided conversations with her doll, and be called "Helper?" any time she needed the doll's shoes to be put back on.   It was a trip.  I love the little dramas she makes up, the easy way she gives voice to her imagined world...

Jack has been a wonderful kid this weekend, too.  He's been busy proving just how handy an older child can be, by (Happily??!!) assisting with Project "Clean up a winter's worth of poop from the yard". He needed to earn some extra chore credit, after all.    He continues his current obsession with Magic (the card game) and yesterday spent the 20 minutes before dinner carefully reviewing a binder full of cards.  Any reading is good reading, right?  Speaking of reading, last night he stayed up past his bedtime, reading a book in bed.  It was a chapter book, certainly above his level, but I imagine he was getting enough words to get something out of it, or he wouldn't have been so engrossed...  I'll let my kids  stay up too late reading, any time...


So on to recounting the week for you all:

We had a taste of spring this week with a few days of temperatures in the 50's and 60's.  A taste of what life might be like if we could go to the park every day after school, and do crazy-wonderful things like take a walk around the block....

And then it snowed.  Again.  This winter!  It is beating us down!  But not Jack.  Not our boy for whom obsessions spring eternal.  He greeted the new layer of snow with joy, eager to ski at Coventry again.  Of course once we got there he decided he'd rather play on the playground.  In his ski boots.  Why not!  The weather was turning warm again, the sunny afternoon reminiscent of Denver in the spring (less a mountain or two), and were were together as a family.  A good Thursday.

This weekend has been busy and grand, full of quiet family time, cultural events, and barnyard animals too.  Friday night was my concert with West Shore, a transcendent evening with the Braham's Requiem in a beautiful cathedral.  I think it will go down as one of my favorite concerts ever; we knew the piece so well, and everyone sang with such feeling, and the way the ending chords just rang on and on and on in the beautiful high arches!  We decided to bring the kids along and while their interest in the music lasted about 5 minutes, they were good as gold for the whole hour and a half of concert time, all dressed up and beautiful and I was proud to have them there, and happy to expose them to the genius of this music.

Saturday-- the lambs!  We headed to Lake Farmpark for Maple Sugar Days, but stayed for the lambs.  A new crop was born just days ago (our timing this year has been perfect!) and I could have stayed all day watching the little creatures and their hopping.  And the baby goats!  Oh!  Bestill my heart! The best thing was that we entered the sheep nursery right before feeding time and every ewe in the joint was bleating her heart out.  I have not laughed so hard in a long time.

Today?  Perfect.  We slept in! I enjoyed conversation with my children!  We cleaned the house!  We went on a date!  Yep, a Sunday afternoon date.  Nat and I snuck out like real grown ups to get coffee, see a raucous and raunchy version of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, and go out for dinner.  The kids had a great afternoon with Gram's, and then home together, to tuck them in with gratitude and the fondness that comes from just a little time apart.

We're a lucky little group, this family.  I am counting the blessings of each day of this week, and looking forward to what the next week will bring. Happy Sunday, all!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


That about sums up life these days.  It's been rather, well, March around here. Nothing bad, mind you.  Just not so remarkable.  The weather is cold, the days are longer but just barely; there are no real holidays to look forward to for more than a month yet. We're all a little stir crazy, casting about for something to do in the midst of the ordinary busyness of our lives.  The days are racing by and I am happy to see them go because each day is one day closer to spring-- yet I hate the feeling of unmarked time that hangs over weeks like this, time slipping away and I am not treasuring it enough.


It will be April soon enough.

In the meantime, we are doing our best to enjoy the March we are in.

Last weekend the kids and I took a mini-road trip to North Canton to spend the day with family.  We've been meaning to visit my cousin Diana in her new home there for a long time, and finally found ourselves the perfect excuse for the drive:

This little guy, our newest second-cousin, Alexander.  Six days old!  A perfect little squishy!   Ivy adored him and Jack adored time with his big cousin Johnny. (He told Nat later, "I didn't really look at the baby... I just went and played...").  I got the added bonus of seeing my Aunt too.  We stayed for dinner and had a really lovely day all told.  

Also last weekend: skiing!  When winter never ends, what to do but teach your son to ski at the local park? Jack discovered our set of tiny skis and found that the boots fit him pretty well.  He started on the little bump of a hill in our front yard and by Sunday he was ready to face the big mountain:

Other little moments this week:

Jack made these pancakes all by himself.  And ate the lot.

Picnics in the sunny bedroom.

 Library time....

a little fuzzy, but jack curled himself up and read the first 2 pages of this book from his new favorite series, Encyclopedia Brown.....
 Birthday celebrations with Gram..

A lovely evening visit to the Botanical Garden to enjoy Orchid Mania before it goes...
Ivy calls this the "butterfly map"

Finally, some video cuteness for you.