Here for your viewing pleasure, a mostly-photos post (because I am jet-lag exhausted) of our valiant attempts to conjure springtime in late March 2014...
A visit to "Sandstruction" at the Children's museum. Of course, every other family in the Greater Cleveland area also thought a giant indoor sandbox was just what the doctor ordered, so it was a madhouse. But fun!
We found a quiet spot in the "nursery" where the kids carefully nurtured several dolls for upwards of 30 minutes. Too cute.
We listened to a reading of "Cat in the Hat" after which there was a chance to meet the Cat himself. The room was a mob scene and Ivy had gone up front to hear the story. Looking for her after, I found that she had gotten herself 4th in line to meet the Cat, and was standing there nice as you please. She does love people in giant animal costumes.
Friday nights at Legacy are back! Even though the bookstore, and the toy store, and really any place to go with our children have disappeared, the hours spent here with our friends remain one of my fondest traditions. We had a grand time playing tag on the upper level, and fitting all 8 of us on one bench, shopping at Gymboree and sharing Chipotle and frozen yogurt. Good times indeed.
Big Spring has come back to the Botanical Gardens. Perfect magic as always.
Jack got to hold a just-hatched butterfly!! |
This is how our beautiful daughter prepped herself for the event. Sadly in this photo you can't really see the gold clip on earrings juxtaposed against the monster hat. |
And a couple random shots of Ivy girl. Because she's cute and cute things go with spring, right?
Love to all! A post about our time in the wild west soon! We've just got a bit more of it to enjoy first.
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