What a fantastic, friend-full, intense week it has been, dear readers!
I had my last day with students on Friday and that is shocking to me. This year went so incredibly fast. It was a good year at school: we have a wonderful new principal who has made our school climate even more friendly and fun; my students were sweet kids with relatively few behavior issues, and my team of aides couldn't have been better. I am finding myself filled with surprise more than relief to see the end of this year, and I am grateful for that.
Tuesday I head to DC with my students, Friday I attempt to complete 2-4 weeks worth of paperwork in 6 hours, and then, headlong into summer!
For now, enjoying this warm Memorial Day weekend and playing a bit of catch-up....
Last Saturday: We celebrated the 5th birthday of Jeffrey, one of my very favorite littles. A cold, wet day for a birthday party for sure, but worth it to spend time with a wonderful collection of friends.
It's hard to tell in this picture, but these fields were full of wildflowers and pretty, curving mowed paths. Rain date to come back and fly kites here! |
Thank goodness for this fireplace. |
Managed to get the obstacle course in before the rain hit too hard. It was such a hit! Tiffany did an amazing job organizing this crew of kids. |
At the end of the party we arranged a spontaneous overnight playdate wherein we got to steal the birthday boy and his big brother. Win! What a fun car ride home, with my little car jam-packed with 4 excited friends. We rocked out to some Kidsbop favorites and the kids talked and talked. Jack got to sit in the front seat so his day was made. You should have seen the way Ivy was giving moon-eyes to Greg. That one, oh boy...
So that they wouldn't JUST play video games, took the wild ones over to our gully.
They had a marvelous time, climbing, creek walking, creek falling, hitting things with sticks. Came home muddy, soaked and a bit scratched up, but happy!
Eight-year-old boys are funny. |
I love sleepovers at our house these days, all the kids squeezed in to Jack's messy room. We arrange them in there, read a little, then lights out and hope for the best... So far (knock on wood) this technique has worked swimmingly, and sleepovers are surprisingly easy. Going to enjoy that for as long as it lasts!
I really love these kids. |
Sunday: Just a fabulous day. After a pleasant morning with the 4 kids, we returned our loaner boys to their mom en route to meet friends at Nelson's Ledges. We are never disappointed by this place.
Had a nice picnic in the world's muddiest picnic location (it looked so idyllic there in the woods!), then let everyone dry off by tailgating in the field by the parking lot. Four chairs, some watermelon, crocheting, and great friends. Could've stayed there all day...
We love visiting Barb and her great little sheep farm.
Added bonus this week: lambs!
The kids got to help feed one of the bottle-raise orphans. We were ready to take her home...
Goat! Our favorite! |
While we went in to the house for snacks and drinks, Jack stayed out in the sheep field. Just sittin there. With the sheep. That kid is something else.
Of course, a visit to Barb's dad's bakery before heading home...
This week: Phew! Barely time to breathe! A race to the finish at work, with every minute full of finagling schedules, finishing assessments, working on paperwork, and tying up the end-of-year details. The week is a bit of a blur as I stayed late to finish school work most evenings, then had to squeeze family time and enjoyment of the splendid weather in to a tiny sliver of time each evening. Then back to school work. Burned the candle at 3 or 4 ends this week but we made it.
Oh, did I mention we had another Airbnb boarder this week? And we were dog-sitting for Louis? And Nat was out of town for the NAPS conference for two nights? Those 48 hours renewed my since of awe and appreciation for single working parents, oh my. It's all the little things, you know, like having someone around to carry an air conditioner up to Jack's room at the end of the 3rd 90 degree day running. Luckily I have an amazing and strong son who helped me install it, and we felt pretty tough doing it. Actually, I have to say my children were the easiest part of my solo-parenting gig, being well behaved darlings the whole time. They are amazing.
I did also enjoy the opportunity to take the kids to school, Makes for a leisurely morning, actually, waking early for coffee and light housework and a little school work, letting the kids sleep as long as possible. Then quick rush of feeding and readying them up, then dash dash to school, then linger in the line with Ivy. Sunshine and sweet little ones heading down the path. Nice. Paid for it with the mad dash to work and the missing plan period that made for some very hectic work days... but worth it!
Friday: Great last day at school with my students. Awards assemblies, the most relaxed class picnic ever, then a movie back in the room. I'll miss this crew of kids....
My mom came out to pick up the kids from school both days, because she is AWESOME, and we met for supper at Beachwood mall, where we got to see the Lego Americana show, which was also AWESOME. I was way more impressed with it than I expected to be. Plus they had this great play area set up where my kids instantly began happily creating in a way we can never seem to replicate at home. Jack made fast friends with another 3rd grader (coincidentally also names Jack) and they collaborated on a car that they liked so much, they put it in the display case. Also, the kids got new shoes, which is one of their favorite things. So, a grand evening!
Finally, Saturday: A wedding! I do love weddings! We traveled to Strasburg to celebrate with Emma and Andrew and my dad's side of the family, and we basked in all the love. Jack and John-John rediscovered their friendship, and Jack bonded with his cousin Kyler over video games. Ivy enchanted everyone and loved every bit of the wedding festivity. It was a lovely day, with a well-planned (and delicious!) reception dinner and plenty of time to catch up with everyone. I feel like this year we are finally doing better on our goal of getting to Strasburg more often. Next trip: Warthers!
Off to pre-Memorial Day cookout with some friends now. Louis has gone home and our boarder is off and the laundry is in process and the house is cleanish... time to breathe for a minute before the next
I love your family and your life and YOU! Your photos are magical. B and I are talking about taking a trip to Cleveland sometime in the coming months -- if we do we will let you know! <3
It would be SO great to see you!!
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