Three days of preparation, two nights of obsessive lettering, 16 little girls, 4 small rainshowers, one six-year old girl... one "Princess Makeover Party," coming right up!
We put Jen to work, and she did not disappoint, carefully lettering a masterpiece of a photo-backdrop...(with help from a certain mammalian assistant, who took quite a shine to her) |
Here's Ivy (still 5!) trying it out... |
Nat constructed a custom table extension so we could seat all those princesses....
Close up of the cake... |
Even the chickens got in on the preparations, checking out - and pecking at-- the mirror on the pergola... |
Luckily it really only sprinkled during the rain showers, so the decor could stay up, and be enjoyed off and on, throughout...
During the party:
Dress up... |
...entertaining chickens... |
Lots and lots of makeovers! All those sweet little faces, so attentive and careful and still, soaking up the attention and praise. So much fun. Even if it was ALL I got to do! |
My amazing assistants (aka servants for the day!) hard at work at the nail table... |
Photo shoot time!
Fierce!!! |
Indoor activities-- Princess story time and (not pictured because it was chaos!) Pin the Crown on the Princess...
...And, time for snacks! You would have though the food we served was made of gold, for all the demand! Cheese and crackers, popcorn and fruit (plated up beautifully on platters of course!) and those little girls could NOT get enough. No sooner did we make the rounds but someone was demanding more... they loved being served, I think...
... but who could mind serving these little people?
Cutest princesses in town, at our table!
Present time!
... and the after-party.
This was the point at which I stopped serving anyone and sat right there on the floor of the pergola drinking several gin and tonics, while all of this unfolded in my yard.... how is it that after parties are always the best part??
Happy Birthday, Princess Ivy!!
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