I cannot say that fall has gone by unnoticed. I have willed myself to be conscious of, to revel in, the fleeting foliage: driving home on SOM instead of the highway to see the rolling hills in their russet apparel and the carpets of gold on the manicured lawns of South Woodland, pointing out the most brilliant leaves with Jack and encouraging him to crunch through the piles on our walks. Yet it does seem that THIS part of fall has snuck up on me, this tail end of it when the trees are more bare than full and the nights are dipping into the thirties and I have to, finally, begin to wear socks.
We've had some gifts of days here in October, perfect weather that has landed on weekends and we've taken advantage of it pretty well, I'd say. On the most recent gift, near onto a week ago now, we went to the Botanical Gardens. Amazing sun on Wade Oval and two happy kids in the children's garden.
Last night we carved our Jackolanterns. Ivy is loving her first Halloween and couldn't keep her hands off the pumpkins.
Today we explored Beachwood park, a surprising bit of wilderness hidden in the median of Shaker Boulevard. We went there to join in on a Cleveland extension of the Rally to Restore Sanity. Which apparently didn't happen as we had the park to ourselves. Which was fine as it was a lovely crisp day for a walk and a warm and cozy trip to Starbucks.
Despite the insanity of it all, and the fact that baby girl has a cold (thus sleeping even less than normal), life is pretty good these days. Full, but good.
Pictures of our Wild Things out haunting....soon....!
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