A few quick, possibly blurry updates to accompany the pictures. Must make this brief as I am up past my bedtime already..
Ivy's big news is that she can now roll over. Both ways. She rolled back to belly on Monday, and actually in Nat's presence so this is confirmed. I have yet to see it but I can believe it from the way she likes to grab both feet and wing herself over onto one side, grinning ear to ear... Suddenly she seems that much more mobile. We've stopped wrapping her arms at night (and she's not sleeping any WORSE, so there you have it) and now she moves around a bit in her crib at night...She can pivot in a circle on her belly and her back, and scootch a bit with her feet when she's on her back.
Also this week, she started eating solids. We had started offering solids at 4.5 months, at the recommendation of Dr. Mann. But this past Sunday she started really eating them. We were having squash and Nat offered her a bite and she leaned in and chomped on the spoon. That's what's happening in that really blurry one above. She had probably 5 or 6 bites of the squash and since then she's been chowing down on pumpkin and now carrots. You put the food in and instead of getting pushed right back out, it actually disappears into her mouth. We're hoping that since we're 0 for 2 on the good sleeper front, perhaps this one will eat well...
Jack's growth is not marked by momentous milestones these days, but he continues to astound and amaze us and generally has me wrapped around his little, ornery finger. It's been a good day. Preschool this morning and then he pooped on the potty when he got home (a bit of a contentious issue recently so, huzzah!!). This evening we went to Crazy Mullets for haircuts for the boys and never has a 3 year old been so grown up. Iv and I were doing errands, so it was just Jack and Daddy there. Jack chose to wait on his own in a chair by the front desk when Nat went back for his cut, and he followed the stylist over to the chair, hopped up, and kept up a running conversation with her the whole time, all on his own. I walked in as he was chatting with her about the colors of the various monsters on his cape. Looking all "little boy" with his close cut hair and his serious face and oh how I love that child.
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