Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Behind behind behind

Feeling very, very behind right now, people. How is it even possible that life can keep speeding up like us??? Between new students and lots of IEP meetings and the approaching end of the quarter, work is a blur of, well, work. And home is a blur of babies in arms and bedtime routines and obstinate 3 year olds and plastic dinosaurs and laundry and dishes and....


At any rate I think this post is just to say sorry for the lack of posts. A slight vent, too. Week 23 pictures are in the upstairs computer and I haven't made it up there recently-- but they are on the way, I promise! As are some fun ones from our apple picking adventures. Despite the drudgery of life we did manage to fit in a spectacular fall weekend complete with relaxing on a blanket in an apple orchard and a leisurely walk through the neighborhood admiring the foliage. We've been enjoying the peak week for the leaves around here, reveling in some cool, crisp and sunny days, and wishing this weather could last. Another high point-- last night we took the kids out to the Winking Lizard for wing night, which, while a strikingly different experience than it was 10 years ago (strange, that...) went remarkably smoothly and was actually pretty fun. Kids were great and Jack at as much there as he ever does at home and there were WINGS. Good times.

Kid news:

Jack is now up to 4 stickers on his "pooping on the potty" chart, working quickly towards his new pumper truck. He has not had any pee accidents in recent memory so I do believe we may be able to call this kids potty trained in the near future. Wonder of wonders.
Ivy is chowing down on a variety of foods. The list to date: squash, carrots, potatoes, rice cereal, and oatmeal. This evening she loved a carrot-potato blend. She's a pretty cute little eater. She is also increasingly vocal these days, making some endearing little consonant noises when she "talks" to us. Sleep is still an issue. Napping is OK but after 2 months of transitioning to her crib she is continuing to fight it for all she's worth. She is finally crying less than 10 minutes when we lay her down (and we've even had a few nights where she didn't cry at all) but then she is invariably up and screeching again within 2 hours... and another 2-3 times over the night. Despite our talk of taking more drastic measures, little still ends up in bed next to me for at least 3 hours a night. She is pretty cute in there, snuggled under the comforter. I think she likes to be warm. And next to the boobs, of course.

Off to bed with this mama. Pictures, soon, I promise you...

Here are a few of the promised pics. Only took two weeks. Model of efficiency here. Those 23 weeks shots? Still on the other computer. Someday.

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