And a few other gems from last week...
And, as I am now a full week behind on these... here's 25 weeks too!!
Everyone likes to get in on the weekly pics...
A whole nursery full'a love.
What's the girl up to at 25 weeks, you ask?
She sits up on her own now, and can reach and play without falling-- until she unexpectedly topples straight back when we aren't watching, that is.
She babbles little strings of ya-ya and la-la sounds and is as social and smiley as ever. She giggles at silly noises and silly faces and everything Nat or Jack do.
She is seriously in love with the dog.
She also loves pears. She's up to about 6 different veggies now and just branched out into the world of fruit this evening. Even with a stuffy nose she was all about those pears.
She can transfer toys from hand to hand and can even stand holding onto something for about 15 seconds. She can prop up on her hands and knees for a few seconds at a time. She still kicks all the time and wiggles all over the place when I am trying to nurse her these days.
Her hair is a little less curly and a lot thicker.
She is a little grabber and seems to be particularly fond of dinner plates and my glasses. As well as Corydon's ears.
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