* Ivy's one week birthday was on Saturday. We celebrated by propping her in her green chair with a stuffed bear. Ideally this activity will not be met with such a scrunched up face in future weeks.... here is the best shot of the lot. Amazingly, she has both eyes open here! It might actually have been more appropriate if she'd been asleep.
We continue to be unable to determine the exact color of Ivy's eyes. The best I can do is-- Steely blue laid over a mix of sand, moss, and glassy gray. At times they look black and bottomless, or turn into mirrors of the world around...
* Last night we did our first arts and crafts project as a family: hand and foot prints of both little ones, to hang in the nursery. I wish we'd had another adult on hand to capture the event on film, as we painted Ivy's hands and contorted ourselves to get them onto the paper... and she slept blissfully through it all. I must say, too, that she has got the most perfect feet in the world. Nat can do a mean baby footprint, and we have got some lovely momentos of this time in her life when her feet can be called little, and perfect. My son, incidentally, has got huge feet. Giant. Ivy's arrival seems to have caused him to have a major growth spurt or something. :)
Jack was leery of the foot painting at first (though he is an expert and hand prints and painted his own hand). Of course, after we'd done a foot print in black and in white, with him squirming and protesting, he said, "Let's do that again... its pretty fun!" Booger.
* In other Jack news, the kid has definitely made another verbal leap this week. The syntax and length of his sentences, and his overall vocabulary, astound me. That is, when he is not speaking in nonsense words, baby talk, or refusing to answer our questions entirely. That's another new development this week.
Here are some great things he's said:
On the car ride home from Melinda and Will's house the other night: "It's getting pretty late. When we get home, I watch videos, then books, then take a nap, that's right!"
"That's right!" is his new tag line for lots of things. It's hard to capture in words the way he says it, a little lilt to his voice, the words strung onto his sentence with barely a pause...
"It's magical for me!" --about some body wash in the bathtub.
"If you don't have any Purell, I can get some for you"-- said in the voice of the Purell bottle, of course, as he marched it around the table offering to make our hands clean like his, with the "tanitier". (We are getting a lot of use out of the sanitizer as Jack has come down with a nice little cold to celebrate Ivy's one-week birthday. Thank goodness for Benadryl at night.)
* Ivy's new developments include sleeping a lot. This child continues to be very serious about sleep. During the day, that is. Right now, for instance, she is blissfully asleep, on he back, arms flung wide, in her pack and play. Of course the little rule breaker is covered by a loose blanket so that probably helps. At night, when we attempt to recreate this scene she immediately begins to grunt and squeak and make strange little dinosaur noises until we bring her in bed with us, when she conks out again. We've found, oddly, that she is sleeping better when she is NOT swaddled. This is strange, no? Tonight, we may try just dressing her warmly and flopping her in the pack and play the way she is right now, and see how it goes. Not that I can really complain. I am up more often for continued itching than I am to deal with her overnight. Nat has been taking her out to the living room during her nightly alert time, which happens at varying times between 11pm and 3am, and I get an hour or more of baby-free sleep. And when she is in bed with me, she really does sleep well, 2-4 hour stretches. I sleep lightly with her there, but sleep is sleep.
Thinking of sleeping babies-- time to go wake this one to make her eat. Weird kid. :)
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