Thursday, May 13, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment

We have just returned home from Ivy's first pediatrician appointment. Well, actually it was a lactation consultant appointment. That's how cool our practice is.

We are pleased to report that little girl is back above her birth weight-- by a grand total of .2 ounces-- weighing in today at 7 pounds, 9.6 ounces. Yep, she's a rock star. That's a gain of over 5 ounces since midday Monday. I am pretty impressed with her.

She continues to be a pretty easy pumpkin. We tried having her sleep for a bit in the pack and play last night. With diligent maintenance (shushing, jiggling the crib, pacifier) we did get her to sleep for a few 10 minute stretches between 9 and 11. Then we brought her into bed where she passed out for 2-3 hours at a time. The girl likes our bed, apparently. We got permission today to let her stretch out her nighttime feeds, which is great. Had to work pretty hard to get her to wake up to eat at 4am last night, which is rather counter-intuitive behavior.

Right now she is crashed out in the moses basket on the couch next to me, looking adorable in her brown fleece sleeper. (yes, a fleece sleeper in May-- it has been in the 50s and rainy since we've been home. Bleh.) Not a bad life. Nat has the boy out at group at the Parent Center. Hopefully he is having a grand time there; he deserves it as the appointment was not much fun for him. Boring toys in the exam room AND he managed to both fall down the stairs in the tree house and shut his hand in a door while we were there. Poor pumpkin. He actually looks kind of tough with the bit of rug burn next to his eye...

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