OK, seriously. It seems like only a moment ago I was uploading 1 week pictures for you all. And here we are at 2 weeks. Time flies, when it is not 11pm with a sick toddler and a spitting up baby. Those hours still manage to take up a lot of time. Even as the weeks hurtle along...
We had a fun day today-- our first venture to the zoo as a family of 4. It was nice to prove we could do it, and we had a lot of fun, even if we did get rained on and only really stayed long enough to visit Australia and take Jack on the train. We'll definitely be heading back soon. We may summer at the zoo this year...
And for those of you who are interested in the big kid too-- a little snapshot to prove that, annoying as his behavior may be these days, he is in fact the most handsome little devil in the world...
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