Friday, May 21, 2010

Dr. Visits and Belly Buttons...

We have been to the pediatrician 3 times now in as many days.

Poor Jackie-bear has continued his illness all week. He visited the doctor on Wednesday to be checked for a possible ear infection- nope. He also had a strep culture-- negative there too. Thursday his illness evolved to include a pinprick rash on his hands and belly and feet... back to the doctor we went. We were informed that this was a normal progression of a virus, nothing to worry about, nothing to do about it but wait. Ugh. In the meantime the boy has been on a continuing hunger strike, most likely due to his very sore and inflamed throat, and his overall mood has left something to be desired. Poor pumpkin.

Today we all marched back to see Dr. Mann again, this time for Ivy's 2 week well-baby check up. Yes, so far she still appears to be a well baby, despite sharing the house with her affectionate, germ-machine big brother. She was pronounced to be "perfect", on track in all the ways a 2 week old is supposed to be on track--basic responses to sound and light, eating and peeing and pooping, working on her head control, all that jazz.

Her current stats:

Height: 20 inches-- 50%
Weight: 8lbs 3.5 oz--50%
Head: 25% -- we have another small-headed child, apparently...

Today at the doctor we were also given a name for Jack's mystery virus-- hand, foot and mouth disease. Exciting, huh? Dr. Mann said the progression of his rash clarified it, but that we still should neither worry nor try to do anything. Oh well, at least we have a name to blame for kiddo's misery now.

The girl has been "waking up" a bit today. Not that she's really had more than her usual 1-2 hours of total awake time, but she does appear to be asserting her personality more when she is awake. Real cries when she's upset at us (for instance, when being undressed for her weigh in today) and overall she is appearing more "formed" and a bit more with it when she is awake... We are hoping that this "wake up" will include more time to get to know this little person without a big increase in fussiness. Fingers crossed that she continues to be the easy girl she's been so far, only with eyes open from time to time...

One last update before we head off to attempt some sleep (last night, for the record = not the best of nights for any of us): At some point last night Ivy lost her umbilical cord! Jack made sure to point out to the Dr. today: "Look! Her have a belly button now!"

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