Monday, May 12, 2008

One Mother's Day down....

Jack's Mother's Day gift to me (in addition to the cute card he and Daddy made) was to be a spectacular baby all day yesterday. Not quite as dramatic as Sleeping Through the Night might have been, but we did put him through a pretty long day and he was fabulous. We went out to the West Side and went to church with my mom, then out to lunch at the Coffee Pot. Jack was up for over 4 hours and charmed everyone in his path the whole time. At lunch he was a riot, flirting like crazy with the waitress. He also really enjoyed drinking ice water from the bright pink sippy cup. He wouldn't hold it, but got SOO excited when I held it for him.

Other updates:

No 7th tooth yet, despite pink cheeks, intermittent fussiness, and lots of drool. We will continue to wait for it.
Today he started trying to pull up on a couple pieces of furniture (namely the legs on the kitchen stool and a dining room chair) and actually got his foot under him one time-- but didn't quite stand. He's starting to get super squirmy when we are holding him but then is grumpy when we put him down on his tummy-- just can't quite figure out how to move the way he wants to, I think.
He is enjoying eating black beans. In general, he is eating a lot more solids in the past week than he was before.
He is freakin adorable right now.
He is taking all of his naps in his crib as of this past Wednesday! Go Daddy, who put up with a lot of crying early this week to get him there. But right now, he is going down for naps and for bed very happily. Right now, he enjoys going around his nursery before bed and saying goodnight to everything. Then when I lay him down, he stretches out a bit and just looks up at me pleasantly while I snug him into his blanket. So sweet. Tonight he also added some of our very first real "Snuggle time"-- after nursing I turned him around to look at a book and he actually leaned back into me and just relaxed there while we rocked and hummed for a while. Yeah, yeah, yeah-- I know he spent months leaning into me all the time. But now, when he spends so much time sitting up, leaning away, looking around, squirming-- it is a choice to snuggle in and it was neat that he made that choice right then...

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