Thursday, May 22, 2008


I am pretty sure Jack said Mama tonight!: :)! I was getting his pj's on and we were playing the silliest game-- I was saying "mommy's hungry! I'm going to eat Jack's hand/foot/belly" and then pretending to nibble on the named part, with a dramatic yum, yum after. He was loving it, laughing and clapping for more. After a while he started making lots of mmmm noises-- then mom-mom came out a few times! I thought it was a fluke but then we were playing with a photo of Nat and I that I keep on his changing table. I pointed out mommy and daddy and then asked where's daddy, where's mommy-- and 2 times in a row he patted my face and said "mom-mom"! I was pretty thrilled and overwhelmed my poor tired boy with kisses and clapping... :) We'll see if it was a one-time thing or if he keeps it up...

In other news, on BZ one of the girls posted a “personality poll”. Here's a copy of my response for the Jackster:

Jack's personality has changed a lot since he was tiny. Thanks to his milk intolerance, up til he was 8 weeks old I would have described his peronality as moody and crabby! Luckily that changed greatly when I eliminated milk from my diet, and he felt better!

Today, at almost 9 months old, Jack is....

Curious and observant-- he looks so carefully at everything and notices details. He is very into small things right now and will work to find the smallest part of anything... the tag, a string, a crumb on the floor.

Cautious-- he's a thinker more than a do-er. He carefully prepares himself before any movement, and is not in a hurry to take on anything new. Not afraid or reluctant-- he just thinks about it first.

An animal lover-- he lights up when he sees a dog and loves to grab and pet his puppy!

Content-- he'll always find something to look at or “think about,” wherever you put him, and won't fuss for a change of scenery unless he's tired.

An adrenaline addict-- this kid LOVES to be upside down, up in the air, bounced, tossed, you name it! Always gets a belly laugh out of him!

A flirt-- he adores waitresses and reserves a crinkle-eye smile just for them!

Adaptable—he loves being in new places and seeing new things and puts up with changes in his routine like a champ (as long as he gets decent sleep!)

Dramatic-- when he does get angry or upset (usually only when he's overtired), he has the highest pitched scream, the biggest corcodile tears, and the most pitiful sad face... and they can all come and go in the space of seconds. He also loves to be the center of attention and gets such a kick out of being “cheered for”. Perhaps a career on the stage...?

1 comment:

jacksgram said...

Your game with Jack sounds like lots of fun for both Jack and his "mom mom" How exciting that he is calling you by name. I love the personality post - you've really captured Jack at this stage of life. Love you both.