Thursday, May 1, 2008

And spring goes on...

I just have to say that this has been a glorious spring so far. Another perfect, sunny evening, another lovely walk through our neighborhood which was really heart-rendingly beautiful. Lacy new-leafed trees filtering the slant of the sun, a pink and white and magenta crochet of flowered branches overlaying it all...At one point a few white petals floated down in the midst and I had to catch my breath. The tulips are also out in full force, an amazing variety decorating the sidewalk gardens on Somerton. Jack and I took a most leisurely stroll this evening in order to look at them all. My favorites were the yellow ones whose petals ended in flanged spikes instead of roundness, and the pink and orange ones with fringy edges. Jack's favorites were the red ones, of course. He and I agreed that we really need to plant some bulbs in our front garden in the fall!

So Nat and I feel like we are getting pretty good at spotting new teeth coming in-- the red cheeks, overall crabby boy... and it seems like number 7 may be on its way! Unbelievable. We couldn't feel any edges yet but the other signs were there so we'll see.

An exciting development is that I think Jackster may be starting to enjoy books-- and for more than just chewing and looking at the edges (his previous favorite parts). He now has 2 "favorite" books, and he greets the sight of them with laughter, bouncing and claps: Big and Little (he particularly like the "big hand, little hand" page) and Baby's day. The baby in the book wears cloth dipes, which is kind of fun...

1 comment:

jacksgram said...

Love your poetic writing about spring. Of course, Jack will love books -- unless he's a changling(: