Lake life continues to swim along sublimely. And so very quickly! Only 4 days left of our trip and nary a moment of boredom yet. I don't think we've ever had a stay that has gone this fast with so little ennui. It's a good thing, to have full and wonderful days flying by in happiness! But today, sitting on the porch in quiet solitude, a cool lake breeze brushing over me-- I'd like for this last bit of vacation to stretch out a bit longer, please.
This week we have "imported" the triplets for several afternoons, bringing them back to the point for the afternoon. It's a self-serving decision, really, as these three entertain our own children sublimely. But it's also great to have extra time with them, these three unique kiddos. I love driving the five kids back to the point, a chatty, personable vanful. We've taught the triad how to call "shotgun", a valuable lifeskill indeed. Back at the cottage we've done a lot of watercolor painting, beetle catching, motor and rowboat rides, and swimming. And, the kids have spent hours a day at the playground, swinging and chasing and being part of this huge, magical group of kids that have appeared at the Point this year. I love watching them, these "summer friends." Most of the kids are between the ages of 9 and 13, but they do a nice job of including our little two in the festivities. They get up to no good after dark, running around playing "five fingers" and truth-or-dare, and their laughter and footsteps on gravel echo around us as we tuck Jack and Ivy in each night. Many of the adults shake their heads and
tsk about it all, but I find myself hoping that there will be just such a crew around in a few years, so my kids can make these magical memories, too. I love how much childhood Jack and Ivy have ahead of them. Even as they seem SO grown up (they grow faster at the lake, I swear!) I see them at the park and they are still so little. I watch them head out into the world on their own, barefoot and confident and free, their big-kid future selves spinning out before them-- and I hold their smallness carefully in my heart.
Ivy's newest trick. So proud! The way her face lit up when she ran back to the cottage to tell me, " Mom! Come look at dis! I haf to show you something. It's so 'citing!" |
Ivy and Izzy have become great friends at swimming lessons, with a mutual love for all things princess. Two blonde cuties! |
Even rainy days at lessons are fun!
Monday brought a rainy, blustery afternoon with five kids in the cottage. Despite my abiding love for this assembled group of cousins, it was a bit of a long day. So we broke up Tuesday and Wednesday with some day trips to area attractions: the outlet malls (everyone's favorite scenic stop!) and then an afternoon exploring the Johnson art museum and Fall Creek Gorge in Ithaca.
With swimming lessons in the morning, an afternoon drive and time away, and a return to the point for swimming or boating after dinner, we've been able to make each day feel a bit like three....
Surprise sunset after a rainy Monday... |
Ivy's "friend" at the Old Navy outlet.. |
Tuesday's fun activity after the mall-- washing and detailing the van! Everyone had a great time. And the van actually smells good inside. I never thought I would say it.... |
Photos from our more scenic outing yesterday... The museum was pretty cool. I think it had art in it. We mostly paid attention to the architecture, the awesome views, and the really cool LED light installation on the ceiling of the balcony...
Suspension bridge over Fall Creek Gorge. |
The kids really loved this little dog we met on the bridge. |
The evening brought rowboat rides and motorboat rides and a strange quiet, with our first dinner on our own since we arrived (see, I told you it's been a very full visit!). We almost didn't know what to do with ourselves. We landed on letting the kids watch some TV on the Kindle (first TV in a week!) and then Randy and Amy stopped by for a chat and the evening ended up being quiet lovely, with the kids getting to bed just as late as usual. Phew.
More full days to come. This afternoon Nat and I may go to a winery! This weekend, the Farley's Point annual picnic and the Barn Sale! Off to go for a kayak and soak this vacation up...
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