Thursday, April 15, 2010


.... the amazing flexible toddler!

So, Jack has been complaining, off and on, about his legs hurting. Mostly this happens at night and with our boy's wonderful propensity toward night time waking and getting snuggles out of us, it was hard to know if he was pretending, or if was that his foot fell asleep, or what.
But recently its been happening more often and a few times during the day, too. Nat took him in to the pediatrician today just to make sure that it was nothing major.

It turns out these phantom leg pains DO have a cause, and that cause is: Jack is extremely flexible. Yep, I laughed out loud about that one. Really, an extremely flexible child coming from these parents?? Apparently the doc moved Jack's joints around a bit and discovered that Jack can put his foot above his head and touch his thumb to his wrist,etc etc. All these flexy ligaments can be overextended easily leading to pain. Poor baby. But happily not a reason to worry. In fact the Dr. said that this is a sign that the boy may be very good at sports! (Surprises all the time around here...) We were told to give him Motrin if he is in pain and just make sure that it's not always one spot that bothers him.

And, we'd better get a piano, and some gymnastics equipment... time to capitalize on this newfound gift of his! Our special little boy...!

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