We have had a most lovely Easter day here in Cleveland. The weather was a wonderful surprise, with the day dawning clear and sunny after a week of depressing forecasts. We started our day with a special day breakfast and Easter baskets (not to mention a few jelly beans!) and then an egg hunt out in the backyard. Then off to the West side for church with mom, Becca, and PB. We had a relaxing Easter dinner in Lakewood and a great drive through Lakeview cemetary (while the boy had a bit of a car nap)-- the flowering trees are just beginning to bloom but it will be at least a week for Daffodil Hill to be in it's glory. Home again home again for a nice Skype chat with Grampa and Vovo, and then a walk to Cumberland Park where Jack had a great time playing with Rachel, an adorable girl from out neighborhood (and where we enjoyed chatting with her parents for the first time). Our boy was simply splendid all day. He enjoyed his Easter gifts of a bouncy ball, a baby doll, and a singing basket of chicks, immensely. He also enjoyed all the candy, but managed to avoid being too hyper or too annoying even as a overly-sugared toddler. Plus, as you will note in the photos, he was truly adorable today. The sun brings out his eyes.
For your enjoyment, a slideshow of photos from today (a few from earlier in the week, too), and some videos... (click on the slideshow to view the Picasa album and see the videos in action-- they're the ones that look like bad photos! :) )
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