Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Something to hold on to

Our last day at the lake.

 It's prettier out than expected, the chance of thunderstorms evaporating with the day, soft hazy sunshine and amenable temperatures allowing for two swims already.

 We cleaned the cottage this morning in preparation for leaving and I wonder why we haven't kept it this way all week, why we allow sloth to creep in and clutter to pile up. Neat and tidy and shiny-clean, the little cottage fairly glows and exudes spaciousness beyond its tiny footprint. There's somehow more room for the lake to come right in, with everything inside neatly stowed away. The art of living in a small space: tidiness.

 Just don't look in the bedroom.

 The triplets are over for the afternoon. They've just been swimming and 4 lake-soaked littles are sitting on the picnic table now, slurping at orange popsicles. The play-doh and art supplies are at the ready. Ivy is passed out on the bed (one of her new skills from these two weeks, along with using the potty and giving up her bottle at night-- napping somewhere other than the car!)

 The lake is calm and eases out to the soft blue horizon. Nat's making coffee and the cottage smells divine. I may go for a kayak later on. The evening promises a family picnic at Long Point. I plan to put off any further packing for as long as possible.

 This moment-- this is what I want to hold on to.

 That's it.

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