It's been a full and lovely weekend.
Yesterday, our annual visit to "Meet the Trucks" in Lakewood, which has evolved into a full-on kids' festival over these past 3 years, complete with balloon clowns, bounce houses, Jungle Bob, and a dance party. Not to mention lots of plywood trucks to pose in.
This was Ivy's first year to really climb up into trucks. Looking at these pictures now, I think the girl was a bit overwhelmed. But that didn't stop her from clambering up right behind Jack, no matter where he went...
Today, we'd had plans to head downtown by bus and go up to the observation deck at the Terminal Tower, but the fickle weather made us change our minds. Instead, we took a bike ride, went to the pet store, ate lunch at McDonald's. and went for ice cream (why not go for ice cream on a cool, cloudy afternoon) then drove to Willoughby to visit Kate and Marc-- and their beach. The surf was wild and crashing, and Jack and Nat had a blast braving the waves to search out and gather a collection of rocks. Later, our damp little boy had a lovely time cuddling Beagle and Chase, the world's friendliest cat. It was wonderful to sit and talk to these two friends, who we've not seen in an embarassingly long time. We've vowed to visit their lakefront many more times this summer.
Finally, a few shots from the past week that never made it to the public eye...
Memorial Day (What you don't see in the pictures is the frustration and the tears that came fron our boy not getting candy each time it was tossed at the parade. Sigh. Our sensitive soul...)
Mommy and Ivy's "date" at the Botanical Gardens-- on a day off, I got to spend some time roaming the gardens with this enchanting one, after dropping the boy off at preschool. Can you imagine anything better?
Hope your weekend was enchanting as well! Off to bed now to get up strength for my last 4 days of school (I can't believe it's the last 4 days of school!)... it will be madness that will be closely followed by the madness of June... I am tired just thinking about all the packing we will be doing in June... but all that packing means its going to be a rich and beautiful summer indeed.
Much love,
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