Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A great day

Today was lovely.

We played at the park.

We shopped and explored at Eton.

We went to the pool and then to "Books to Go."  The kids made visors.

We ate popsicles on the porch.

Oh yeah.  And Jack learned to swim.

Not sure how today could have been better, actually.

It was sunny and breezy and not-to-hot all day; we started with a leisurely morning, pretending it was Sunday with the paper that waited for our return, breakfasting in pj's and playing on iPhones and flipping through fliers til almost 10.

Nat and the kids came to Solon with me where they helped me pack my classroom.  I'm still in a bit of shock that I am moving to a new position at school-- but trying to pack up the ungodly amount of stuff I have collected in my room?  That made it a bit more real.  It was melancholy to think about leaving the building that has been my work-home for 6 years.  I shared the news that I am leaving with a few more colleagues, and learned of others who are also shifting to new homes in the district.  It's a good year for change.  And while the boxes in my room are daunting, there is always a certain excitement to packing, preparing, planning.  I'll be back there tomorrow to close up shop, and then set up the new place in August...  here's hoping it will be a good move.

My children "helped" and otherwise entertained themselves at school for almost 2 hours (aren't they incredible!) and then we treated them to Chipotle and time to play at the Solon playground.  Jack climbed the rock tower, did somersaults and flips on the bars and rings, and pumped himself on the swings.  He is impossibly tall and capable these days.  And girlfriend, not to be outdone, climbed every ladder she could find and dangled herself from the monkey bars.  She's fearless, my girl.

A stop at Trader Joe's and some downtime for the kids brought us to what has become our traditional Tuesday evening.  I will be sorry to see "Books to Go" end next week as I love the structure it gives to our day.  Off to the pool at 4:00, change and stroll to the school for dinner at 6:00, storytime, pick books, head home and head to bed...We walk to everything and the children play hard and I get to love my community in all it's diversity and simplicity and green-ness.   And tonight-- Jack learned to swim.

I like to think I've been laying the foundation with our repeated trips to the pool these past few weeks, supporting his increasing confidence in the water as he has experimented with various flotation devices.  But all credit goes to Nat, whose presence there tonight (his summer class is over!  We have evenings together again!) most certainly made the difference.  As Jack himself yelled out at one point,  "My daddy is a great swimming teacher!!"   In the way that he does things, Jack just, well, started swimming.  A few minutes of kicking and splashing attempts, a few good head dunks, and then he was off, face in the water and moving along.  He is so very proud.  He has told us a number of times, "See, I learned to swim without even having swimming lessons!" Indeed you did, little man.  Never mind that until this week I was pretty sure that little sister would swim before our cautious, reticent boy.    He is constantly a surprise.

We took two exhausted and hungry littles over to the school where Jack was thrilled to show Daddy the ropes.  I love dinner in the cafeteria because it means I don't have to think of what to cook, and because my children eat a variety of raw veggies with excitement (and  alot of ranch dressing).  Now that we have gone three times, the kids really do know what to do, heading independently to the craft, then to the story.  In fact, it was Ivy who drew my attention to the fact that story time was about to start.

I had one of those "life is unbearably perfect" moments during tonight's story time, as Ivy slipped out of my lap to sidle in next to Jack on the floor, and the two of them together repeated lines of poetry with thirty other little children, chanting about summer time and happily chorusing "mmm-hmm!" in agreement at the end.  These beautiful young faces in so many hues, crowded together; so attentive, loving language and learning and being together...  My little ones, so lovely and so independent, so ready to leave my lap and join in to this world.  Time goes so fast and it is so right and my heart catches in my throat just thinking about it. 

We let the evening last, lingering on the playground, on our walk home, on the porch.  Some days deserve to last a little longer.

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