... the phrase "naked fun" has a whole new meaning than it did in college.
We had naked fun at our house on Friday night. And yes, it did end with someone peeing on the floor.
You'll get that when 3 not-yet-potty-trained baby girls streak around your house for 20 minutes, after all.
"Naked fun" (as Jack refers to what is now, apparently, a new evening tradition in our home) was the culmination of a rather nice evening with Melinda, Will and company, wherein the kiddos actually spent quite a bit of time playing nicely together, and the adults chatted for a bit, and there were lots and lots of balloons. Then Melinda went to get Lillian changed into her PJs to head home, and little miss did not want to get her diaper on, and, well, there was just no keeping the clothes on anyone else once Lil started running and giggling. All of a sudden we had 4 little bums streaking around the downstairs loop. Round and round, shrieking with joy.
It was freaking hilarious.
And the puddle of pee? It was on the hardwood so it was all totally worth it.
Here;s Jack in his new favorite spot. He notes that the radiator behind the couch is "a nice warm place to sweep."
Sunday we celebrated our family of friends again, with our December edition of Second Sunday Soup. Eight kids and babies, eleven grown-ups attending, two soups, 4 loaves of bread, 37 markers on the floor, with 35 caps, 1 Magic game, lots of fun...
While I continue to be fairly overwhelmed by the busyness of Christmas (and the fact that is, like, less than 2 weeks away), I think I may be starting to soften towards this holiday season.
It might be magic after all.
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