Monday, December 5, 2011


Sorry for the quiet blog recently.  Life has been anything but quiet;  a bit routine, a bit too fast, but definitely not quiet.  There have been moments to write, here and there.... but there has also been laundry to fold, and dishes to do, and frankly, I've not been particularly inspired by anything to write about.

After all the excitement of Thanksgiving, with its photo-ops and memories being made, the return to normal life has been almost too normal to bear.  Or perhaps that's just the return to early mornings after the deliciousness of 5 days off...

I am recuperating today from a jam-packed weekend.  Choir concert and book club and Nat's birthday and a "birthday date day" and putting up the tree and...All good things but nary a moments pause between one and the next.

By recuperating I mean, of course, folding all the laundry that we didn't get folded over the weekend.

Laundry.  It'll be the death of me.

The kids have been good.  Definitely not quiet!  but good.  Ivy comes out with these perfectly enunciated words from time to time:  nice, snow, lights.  And plenty of rather-hard-to-understand word approximations-- but she gets her point across.  By far my favorite thing about her right now?  The way she says "yes".  Just the simple fact that she says YES now and not just NO is a beautiful thing.  But the way she nods her whole little self,  and says "yeah" or "uh-huh!"  with this thrilled look on her face!  Like she is simply tickled pink that we understand her, so happy just to be in agreement.  We need to get a video of her saying yes!

The boy continues to have his moments wherein he tests the limits of being a 4 year old-- talking back, refusing, a bad, bad case of selective hearing....  Of course he also has his moments wherein he is the sweetest child in the known universe.  A new bedtime routine is emerging where Jack asks us to climb into his bed and snuggle with him before tucking him in.  I have to say, I'm a fan.  For starters, its nice and warm under his covers.  And he is just this tiny thing again, tucked in my arms, his hand in mine.... we talk about the day and give hugs and its just lovely to have, for a few brief moments, a snuggly kiddo.  And, Jack doesn't beg and cling and dawdle when we leave the room after he's had a good snuggle.    There'a a lot to be said for anything that will keep Jack from begging, clinging, and dawdling...

Will attempt to get pictures from recent days uploaded for sharing....   In the meantime, I am going to enjoy this moment of quiet in my house. And fold that laundry.

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