Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Ivy likes to do laundry.  We were in the basement, adding foam tiles to the basement auxillary play area (because one playroom?  just not enough for this household...), and Ivy disappeared.  I found her, with the washer door open, reaching into the hamper for dirty clothing.  The girl knows just what to do.  She very enthusiastically helped me fill washer and pressed every button she could find until we got it started.  And then you should have seen her helping to unload the dryer, climbing up onto the door, leaning her little self right in there to grab every last sock.

While snuggling with my little boy tonight -- my very tired, still-really-needs-a-nap little boy-- and reviewing his day, he told me all about what he did in yoga today:  crab and seagull, pedaling the bike to the beach, ice cream... "but not the REAL way, Mommy, just for pretend!"  Then, after a moment's pause, he asked me, "Mommy, do you remember when you were 4, and you were in Mrs. B's class??"


We had a lovely chat about whether the toys at my school were the same as his, which led to a discussion about the merits of the really big wooden blocks and just how strong my boy is.

It was a saving grace, that snuggled-conversation, after an evening that had a fair amount of frustration, as my children refused to eat the dinner presented to them and I refused to cook them something different.  The joys of parenting abound.

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