Saturday, March 12, 2011

This evening while we were hanging out in the playroom with Jack, my charming son walked over to where I sat on the floor and smiled at me. Then, he proceeded to turn around, aim his little bum right at me, and fart, before moving on to the next activity. This was all compounded by the fact that he was not wearing his pants or underwear at the time.

Life with a 3 year old. Priceless.

At least he's cute.

Also today, our yard was infiltrated by snowmen with antennae.

Thankfully the 40 degree weather is taking its toll on them so we should be safe, soon.

In unrelated news, Ivy is 44 weeks old today. Still has that cold. Or more teeth coming in. Or something. And, she's still far too wiggly to get good pictures. Note the sideways-tongue thing, which is a new habit of hers.

I like this picture because it looks like she's actually paying attention to the book. What you don't see here is that she only really wanted to chew on the little fish finger puppet in the middle of the book, and kept wrestling the book away form me so she could get her mouth on it...

Jack and Ivy also spent some time hunting for sharks in their "boat" today.

Finally, some random video from this evening. Just a glimpse into the excitement that is Saturday night around our house.

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