Ivy at 45 weeks is just too excited about the world to bother with sleep.
Other changes this week:
Her play is suddenly much, much more interactive. My favorite new game? "I'm gonna get you!" which is played with both of us on all 4's, Ivy leading the chase and stopping every so often to sit up, turn and look at me (as if to make sure I'm still following her) before booking away from me again. If I reach out and tickle her tummy while she's crawling, saying "Get you!!" as I do it-- oh! the squealing and giggling! It's really almost too cute to handle.
She follows us from room to room and likes to check in visually with us, likes to be sure we're seeing her latest accomplishment-- or what trouble she's getting into!
She wants to pull up to stand, and if possible, climb on any stationary object. I think she may have a bruise or cut on her face at all times for the forseeable future...
She likes to share things with us, holding things out and putting them in our mouths. Apparently we must put things in her mouth a lot, as she things that is what one does when interacting with others. When she is excited about something she's holding, she puts it on her head.
She loves to drink water but has a compulsion about putting her hand in the cup and playing with the water before she drinks.
She is starting to wave back at us if we wave at her.
She likes to hold a big piece of toast, pizza crust, etc and take bites of it all by herself (with those 4 teeth of hers!). She also, we learned, enjoys chewing on raw onion.
Here's the proof-positive that she's a Cobes!! :)
Jack had a fun day himself, with the time at Gram's, the shopping, and the birthday party. Tomorrow, we are excited to visit the Model Train Expo at Lakeland. It's a good weekend for the boy...
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