I've ordered some prints to make a small scrapbook, a "year in pictures" summary of sorts, for her party. I really ought to get to work planning that party, one of these days...
Ivy would like for you to know that she is very flexible. And still doesn't like to hold still for pictures.
Ivy "Crazy hair" Morehouse at 46 weeks is:
* Fearless. She throws herself at the world headfirst and consequently bumps her head a lot. Thankfully she's learned to go down the stairs backwards (by shooting her legs out straight and sliding down 2-3 stairs at once on her tummy. Fearlessly, of course) so we can relax on that front. But really, with this one, we can't turn our backs for a moment. She scans her environment and locates any electrical cord, coin, paper scrap, small inedible object, paper to rip or items to dump, then makes a beeline for one of these things the moment we look away.
* Ornery. I say this because of the way she looks at us and giggles, all bunny-nosed, right at us once she gets her hands on one of the aforementioned objects.
* Loving. She's not a snuggly baby, due to the constant kicking and wiggling and all, but she is affectionate. She continues to give hugs by pressing her head or face into us. The newest adorable manifestation of this involves her crawling around on the bed, (envision a lot of bouncing and waving her hands over her head)
then pausing in her glee to come over to us, lay down and snuggle her head into our lap for a sweet, short moment. She also does this "look up reach and turn" thing when she wants our attention while she's crawling. Its hard to describe but its really very sweet. She's really very sweet these days, all told.
They both are, actually.
A little crazy. But sweet.
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