Thursday, March 24, 2011


Yesterday evening as we drove to the library, Jack and I were playing a game of "who loves Silly Putty more" (you know, that old game...) and I told Jack that I loved Silly Putty taller than the mountains. And he replied, "I love Silly Putty gigantic! I love it more than Mount Ev-er-est."

My 3 year old knows about Mount Everest.

I am not sure how this has happened, how these fast years have brought us this little person who talks about Mount Everest and loves Silly Putty and gives Eskimo kisses and so much love, how this is the tiny baby I brought into the world and how he has grown to be so amazing. I don't know how it's happened but I have to say, its pretty wonderful, you know?

I am really, really in love with this little boy.

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