In the meantime, here are Ivy's 31 week pictures. (must post before we take her 32 week pictures tomorrow... wowza! 32 weeks...)
There they are! two teeth!
One of Ivy's newest tricks is grabbing her "garden art" flashcards, mounted on the wall next to her changing table, and pulling them off the wall, two at a time, so she can bang them and then stick them in her mouth. This is her preferred method of playing with just about anything in the universe. She always seems particularly pleased with herself about the card heists, though. She prefers the butterfly.
She is also pushing up onto her knees and rocking, just a little bit. I don't think she's ready to take off yet but she's working on it.... watch out world, Ivy is coming to chew on you.
Yesterday Jack and Daddy had a bit of an adventure before preschool... coming into the kitchen who should they see but our resident mouse (who has been leaving evidence of his existence around our house for a while now), sitting by the fridge. Apparently the mouse was not doing so well, rather listless and allowed itself to be swept into a box. Whereupon Jack fell in love with it, talking to it,saying it must miss its family, it must be dizzy from walking in circles,it must be hungry. He gave it peanut butter on a wheat thin, which it enjoyed. "Daddy, I LOVE mouses!" he exclaimed. "Mice,"Nat corrected him. "No, Daddy," said my boy, "it's a MOUSE." Parents don't know anything, do they?? This mouse was "returned to his family" outdoors, but Nat did take the boy to the pet store after preschool where he could actually pet a mouse... hmmm... I am seeing small cages in our future. I guess he is my son, already loving mice at the tender age of 3! (I spent years begging to have a mouse for a pet, and building small homes for mice in the yard... what fun to see it all from the other side!)
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