No tag, and you'll notice a slight color difference to the bear. We are shooting on location here at Claire's house with Nat's bear (the bear which, incidentally, inspired the purchase of the bear we pose with Ivy, because I loved this guy so much and my wonderful Nat, he always tries to get me what I love...)
A few things of note about Miss IJ at 33 weeks:
*She is working on learning to wave.
*She is so utterly engaging and adorable, I almost can't handle it. Sat in the far back of the van today and couldn't do a thing but chat with this little baby who was constantly seeking out my attention.
*She makes this adorable clicking sound with her tongue when she is excited.
*She is eating more and more foods-- she has now tried bread, waffles, cheese souffle, and rice. She loves them all.
*She has gone to bed without crying two time this week and today too a nap in her crib. Corner turned on sleep??? We can hope!
*She likes sitting up in a highchair out at restaurants but spends most of the time turning around in the chair. Girl never faces the person talking to her if she can help it. Too busy exploring.
*She grabs anything that is not nailed down. Continues to love to chew on paper.
*Very vocal these days. "Ma ma ba!" was heard today, but "Da!" is more common. Today I swear she yelled "Da!" at Corydon and then "da-da-dy!" at Nat to get their attention. If Ivy is going to say something, it is going to have an exclamation point on the end.
*She bounces so much on her little bum that we can't turn our backs on her when we put her on beds or chairs, anymore. Floorbound, this one. She can push up onto her knees and rock, and move backwards 6 inches at a time... Not calling her mobile, yet. But soon, we think. And oh we will be in trouble when Ivy "Octopus" Morehouse gets mobile because she is going to get into EVERYTHING. Just look at the glint in those eyes...
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