That's Jack's new favorite sound to make. He's a jabbering fool these days, always coming up with new noises. And, the past few days, he is making these noises with tremendous intent, looking right at us, or an object, pointing at something. He is really trying to communicate with us. It is truly amazing to watch him develop right now...
We have had a busy and fun "last weekend of summer" (back to the real world tomorrow when both Nat and I start school again-- I am SO not ready). Yesterday, Jack attended a friend's birthday party for the first time: Devan, the son of Marie and Don, who were in our Lamaze class. We all had a great time. Jack spent most of his time in the pool, and I believe he tried to turn wowowow, his sound, into the word water. I am going to give him credit for the attempt, anyways. He loved the water and splashed and played happily there. Devan is adorable, and we also saw baby Lucy who we'd met at breastfeeding group ages ago.. In this small world we seem to run around in, she is related to Marie somehow!
We had to leave the party earlier than we otherwise might have, as we had made a date to go to the Greek festival with my mom. ..
The Greek festival is taking me into an "aside" here: I am not sure why, but the banner stretching across Mayfield advertising the festival has been one of the strongest triggers for my memories of that time "one year ago today". I remember so clearly seeing that banner go up and being terribly disappointed that we probably wouldn't be able to go, as Jack was due a few days after the festival (it was, after all, our official summer of festivals and we were, I might add, doing very well with our attendance). I was so sure I'd deliver early... and yet, there we were, standing in line for gyros with me two days before my due date, 7 days before Jack's birth. Swollen ankles, 45 pounds of pregnancy weight, Jack's head wedged securely in my pelvis, and there I was, standing in line for gyros. Our devotion to festivals was impressive...
It's been such a very different summer this year! Our Greek festival experience was different too... we were there much earlier, thanks to the Jackster, and so the lines were practically nonexistent. The irony of this was not lost on me, as I remembered those lines last year, and realized how much better equipped to stand in lines I am now. Thinking about it, I am in awe of my body, the way it would expand exponentially, harbor new life, nurture a new human being for 9 months and then feed him for 12 more-- and yet, one year after giving birth, I can feel so very "back to normal." If a bit saggy in places...
At any rate, back to Saturday:
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