My cool new "signature" that shows up on my chat boards. It's supposed to "animate and go through several pictures of Jack in the circle, but I'm not sure it's working on this site...
Yesterday Jack climbed up the entire flight of stairs. Twice. He is a climbing fanatic these days. We really need to get a gate.
Yesterday Jack also started saying "uh-oh". Except, most of the time, he says it with his mouth closed. So it is more like "mmm-mmm," with the exact intonation of "uh-oh." Its really cute. He has also taken to gesturing at things, with his hand out, palm up. He looks like he's trying to be Vanna White, showing off the prize packages. He's very emphatic. Then, when he wants something, he starts opening and closing his hands in it's general direction, doing it faster and faster til we figure out what it is he wants. I am looking forward to pointing!
This morning, clear as day, he said "dog". He loves that animal!
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