Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Little man Jack is becoming a real talker. We have been pretty sure that he's saying something like dog-dog for a couple weeks. And, last week, he started approximating "uh-oh". But on Sunday he added another very clear word-- "stick." His affinity for stick-like objects is well known. Don't let this boy see a broom handle or a spatula; he won't rest til they're his. He also likes to share sticks with Corydon-- he gets a big kick when we let him hold the stick she has just fetched. Sunday, we were playing with Cor over at Melinda and Will's, and when we handed the stick to Jack he said, clear as day, "stick." Well, kind of clear as day. The "st" part of the word came out much more like a "d" sound, making the experience very funny as well as very exciting. :) He continued to say the word throughout the evening. Too cute. He is also now saying "uh-oh" very clearly and spontaneously, in response to things being dropped. He says the "oh" with a little "oooh" to it, like a British accent, which makes him absolutely irresistible. And, he will "pant" in response to us asking "what does a doggy say?" He's so smart.

I've been back at work the past two days for trainings and it's been weird to be away from Jack all day after having so much time with him recently. It's really hard to leave him in the morning. He is so engaging and sweet and huggable. While I am at work, I'm fine, I don't pine away or anything-- but it's awesome to come home and have him reach out and smile and be so happy to see me. He is giving the best hugs these days. Big, whole arm squeezes. He says "mmmmm" when he hugs, be it one of us or a stuffed animal. Have I mentioned that he's cute?

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