Saturday, March 8, 2008


We have gotten about 18 inches in the past 24 hours. It is pretty amazing outside of our house, really beautiful. The world is soft and rounded and white. And, a nice upshot is that not too many people are venturing out today, so that our street is much more quiet than normal. We attempted to venture out, bundled and loaded up the baby; Nat spent 30 minutes re-shoveling the driveway (after having done it a few hours earlier); we got out of the driveway and as far as the Starbucks on Lee and Mayfield before we turned around and slunk-- well, more like slipped and slid-- home with our tails between our legs. It takes quite a snowstorm to send us running home like chickens. And this one did it.
Not to be denied our snowy fun, we did take the pre-bundled baby out into the backyard, where he was snowed upon and plunked into snowdrifts for photos.
So, the kiddo is 27 weeks old. Where does time to go... (to snow days, that's where)... His new modus operandi is to launch himself at the world mouth first. He has become especially fond of our comforter. We sit him down on the bed, he opens his mouth, and dives down to plant his face in the flannel. Bobs up for air and then back down he goes. He does this with great vigor. Its a riot. He is also trying this trick with the dog, his toys, the computer keyboard, our faces.
He is starting to roll more. Not roll "over" per se, but at least side to side, with intention. He is also chewing on his toes more often. And, this morning, he said "mama". Or at least, strung together 2 of his "ma" syllables in a row. Accidental, but still endearing. Today we also gave him green beans for the first time. They make him gag. But then, so did applesauce at first. Jack seems to need time to get used to new flavors...

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