At breastfeeding group on Thursday Jack showed off his new skill of rolling from his back to his tummy. What made this more funny is that he did not want to be on his tummy, not at all. Each time he rolled over and found himself on his tummy he would get progressively more upset. Of course the silly guy won't roll from his tummy to his back so he needed me to help him... and the minute I got him rolled onto his side..bloop! Back over he went to his tummy, looking around as if to say "who put me here??" Finally he went into a mini tantrum, stretching his arms out flat and throwing his face to the ground in between them, crying... does it make me a horrible mother that I laughed at him for just a second before I rolled him off his tummy again?
The little guy is being very engaging these days. He is starting to look for things when they drop or disappear. It is super cute when we are holding him on our lap, and he drops a toy-- he leans forward and looks down to the floor for it, craning his little neck and looking like a cross between a turtle and a vulture. He also looks for us when we hide, ready to play peek. He is getting to be so much more fun, and so very lovable. Little munchkin-butt.
Today we dyed eggs in preparation for Easter. It is crazy that Easter is tomorrow. We got about 5 inches of snow last night. Again. The winter that never ends... It just doesn't feel very "eastery" out. But we'll do our best! We have Easter baskets ready to take to Lakewood. Jack's plastic eggs are filled with Gerber "puffs" instead of jelly beans. :)
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