Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Apple Day!

Apple Day, you are our favorite.  

This fall has been a tough one for many of our friend-family traditions. Between travel and work and alllll of our various extra-curricular activities, a few of our favorites fell to wayside: the County Fair, River of Fire, pumpkin carving...

But Apple Day is sacrosanct.

And absolutely just what we needed. A reprieve from the madness of life, where all we had to do was pick apples, eat donuts, and just BE in the sunshine, together. 

The weather and the apple crop both cooperated this year, and with the addition of our bistro table and chairs (so civilized) this may have been the best iteration of our made-up holiday yet. 

I just treasure these people and the fact that we are able to remain close across distance and busy lives.  Year thirteen and counting for Apple Day, year 25 and counting for the friendship...


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