The following blog post will largely contain photos of only one child. This is not because we no longer love Ivy, but rather because she is, as we speak, still living her best life at the Point with Lulu while the rest of us saps contend with reality here at home.
It's always a hard transition back to the real world when we leave our little utopia. This year the transition was compounded by coming home to a flea infestation discoovered by our Airbnb boarder, various needs at the still-not-back-on-the-market Bedford house, road construction on our street, work and dentist appointments.
Happily, none of those trials and tribulations turned out to be as difficult as expected. The rabbit had a only a few fleas and we seem to be winning the fight, the Bedford house (after some gas work, new outlets in the greenhouse, hot water tank repair and landscaping refreshment) is back on the market with three showings today, I remembered how to teach and Jack is genuinely enjoying his job, we are able to access our driveway around the construction, and the dentist appointments were easy enough.
In addition to all that fun, we've been going to the pool, reading on the porch, and seeing friends -- remembering that life at home is pretty ok, too, despite the significant lack of a lake directly outside my door. It's startlingly easy to parent one singular (pretty self-sufficient) child and I've had plenty of me-time to relax and soak up being on vacation. And it's nice to be back in our home, where all of our chosen items are all in the places we like to keep them, where we can take full-length hot showers, and where we can go hours without seeing one another when we all retreat to our own private spaces. It's ok here.
But I still miss the lake.
Before the actual life update, a little Farley's retrospective in the form of some photos from Nat's camera. One of these days we're gonna just move to this place pernamanently..
Ok. Back to reality.
Went out for lunch with my mom and Kirk and we caught up on all of our travels. We tried Taco Roosters and Kirk especially was delighted with it. Then they invited me to see Sam, a singer who visits McGregor each month.

What a treat that turned out to be. Sam was a tremendously dynamic man, with a fine singing voice and great dance moves- and an innate ability to bring out the enthusiam and joy in his audience. It was amazing to watch every resident light up through the course of the show as he performed old standards from their youth, even the people who seemed taciturn or out of it at the beginning. People were singing along, getting up and dancing, clapping and stomping to the beat. As Sam was doing his last number one resident pushed her walker to the side and just started getting down. Sam played two more songs so she could keep dancing. Another resident sang the entirety of Easy Like Sunday Morning for us. Sam had me get up to sing but I didn't know the words to anything he tried so mostly just laughed. I did join in on a line dance, which is a real testament to this guy's ability to get people involved. The whole experience was so much more than I'd expected and I was so uplifted by all that contagious joy.
One of my common views this week. If I'm not on the porch drinking coffee and reading in the morning, I'm having a hard selzter and reading on the porch in the afternoon. There is an Amanda-shaped divit in my Adirondack chair cushion. Channeling Farley's life where we can.
One of the absolute highlights of the week was going to the Cleveland Cocktail Choir. I'd gotten an email from the Musicbox Supper Club mailing list about the event and just decided I needed to check it out. After all, I love choir AND I love cocktails! Put out the all-call for someone to go with me and my lovely friend Marie stepped up. It was just the best night. The food was good, the cocktails were cheap, and as the night went on we became instant best friends with the 100 or so people gathered to drink and sing. We ended up joining forces with one of Marie's friends from high school who was there, and adopting a few other people seated nearby. The song leaders, Nate and Kevin, were a delight, and the group was singing in pretty good three part harmony by the end. Marie and I had such a grand time together we finished off the night with porch drinks at home. This was one of those moments where I just could not believe my luck, to know the people I know and live in this great city.

Another treat for this mama on Friday- an invitation to kayak at Punderson State Park with my sweet new friend Mallory. It was nice to do something other than just political rallies together. :) It's just been a great year for making new connections and friends, and each of them make my life richer. Gratitude abounds.
Channeling Farley's life again...

We took mom and Kirk for sunset drinks at E 55th St Marina Friday night. We just love this little place.

Saturday was largely dedicated to the world's longest swim meet in Willowick. But it was worth it to watch this kid simply dominate in his individual events. I know I would be proud of him no matter what but there really is something about watching your kid win.
Look at that tall kid. His arms are getting so long he practically touched the lane lines on either side during his butterfly.
Heat winner in boys 13-15 200 IM and 100 Backstroke (his first time swimming that event at a meet!)
After the meet we dashed over to W 25th so see a dance production co-produced by our lovely nieghbor-friends. Cool, thought-provoking show-- and the bonus discovery of the CMA Community Art Center, complete with gallery of Parade the Circle floats and puppets. I sure hope the parade is back next year.
Not content with just TWO events on a Saturday, we headed directly to Alex's house for a Summer Saturday gathering, and got to soak up time with tiny puppy Biscuit (aaahhh! so cute!) and sweet baby Charlie, along with margaritas and chatting with friends. In the sunshine. Yeah, home is ok I guess.
And some days just call for FOUR activities-- after dinner we walked down and enjoyed Mark and Amy's gorgeous porch for drinks and great conversation.
Have I mentioned that I'm pretty lucky to live here and know these people??
If I'm not day drinking on the porch, I'll be day drinking at the pool. Sunday was a pool day for sure, oppressively hot to the point that I had pretty much no motivation to do anything. Took me all day to get 5 small household chores done. I did get to church, where we were treated to an truly transcendant song at prayer time and a great coffee hour, and Nat and I went down to Bedford to touch up the landscaping. We ran into a friend we've not talked with for a while and chatted away for an hour on the Adult Only deck at the pool. I'm really seeing what people mean about Cumberland pool these days.
Before dinner Winter and I ran over to Rockefeller Park to take in a little bit of Opera in the Italian Garden. Which was utterly charming and even had free wine, and another friend to chat with.
Next year we shall pack a picnic and do it up right for this.
This morning's view at Forest Hill. I've been halfheartedly trying to get back into my home running routine. On vacation I get to stop and walk whenever I feel like it, that's my rule this year. Today I stopped here and sang along with Rewrite the Stars while I stretched and enjoyed the softness of 70 degree sunshine and the smell of just-rained-on clover and sweetgrass and the general feeling of being alive in the world. Just because we leave the lake, we don't have to leave the joy and appreciation. So much to love right here.