Sunday, May 12, 2019

Baby chicks and springtime in the Heights

 Easter Monday found us headed off to Meyer Hatchery in what seems to be a post-Easter tradition for our family:  getting a new batch of chicks from the bargain bin.  So much feathery cuteness all in one big galvanized tub.
 As always we (read, *I*) could not stick to our rule of one chick per person. We came home with 7 little fluffs.
 I love watching this boy melt when he is around animals...
 I also love photo shoots with chicks and McKenzie-Childs finery.
 I also really love this little one.  We think she's a silky and if she is, then she and the Bantam black silkie just may have to stay here with us instead of being sold at the end of the summer.  What's two more chickens in our coop...?
 Other goings-on since Easter:

A little bit of a room makeover for Ivy.  She's been on an anti-cleaning kick recently in regards to her room. And things were getting a little bit funky in there as a result. But it came up in conversation that she wished she had a desk in her room and before long we'd come to an agreement that she'd let me help her clean her room in exchange for some desk shopping.

Eight bins of toys to the basement and one trip to the Habitat Restore later and voila. This sweet little desk was just waiting there for us, all vintage and just the right size and in perfect condition for just $40.  I do love the Restore.  Not only did we find just what we were looking for there, but everyone was super friendly there, and we struck up conversations with all sorts of nice folks....

 Sometimes when you've got a newly redone room you need to do makeovers.

 More chicks.  They grow fast.

One of our babies from two years ago  (this is Chipmunk. She used to have a white and brown stripe down her back when she was tiny and being named).  Crazy to think that our little fluffs will turn into this in just a few short months.

When we weren't busy snuggling tiny chicks (you've got to soak up all the time you can when they're in their --very brief-- cute phase) we were out and about in our city...

 This girl had a piece of art in the district art show.  We went on reception night to see her work...
 ... and cheer on her bestie, who won a blue ribbon in the show for her piece.  Ivy was so excited for her friend.  I love watching the way she supports her friends with such selfless kindness.  
I also love this packed house of parents and community members, all here to support our kids.  

 It was a serious week of loving the Heights, with Community Literacy Night going on at the high school the very next night. 
 Here's my boy hanging out with a 7th grade friend.  I love watching him be social, as he's often so quiet at home with us.
 We got to hear author Jaqueline Woodson speak.  She was awesome.  The kids all read one of her books at school, and I'd not even made the connection that she's also the author of one of my favorite books to teach.
 Wednesday:  Another night, another Heights community event.  This time, the Reaching Heights Spelling Bee.  My trouper of a husband is a real team player by always being willing to participate for Boulevard, despite his distaste for spelling.  It's a fun event, and inspiring to see all of our community leaders up there on stage giving it a try to raise money for our kids.
 Thursday's community fun:  Soccer! 
 I love this photo of Jack listening intently to his coach...

 We found ourselves seated for a while in front of some families from the opposing team, which was based in the Orange/Pepper Pike area.  In other words, rich folks.  Listening to them talking about their vacations in Sedona and their golf outings and the various renovations to their properties...It was exhausting. Let's just say that it was a striking counterpoint to the time spent enmeshed in my "just like me" Cleveland Heights community over this week.  Ok, I know we can get a little "bourgie" from time to time (what with our show dog and our place in the Finger Lakes....  oh dear...)  but if I ever start to sound like THOSE people will someone please hit me??  oof.  Ivy and I moved our seats over closer to our Heights people and enjoyed the rest of the game immensely...
 After-school playdate on the warmest day of May so far.  We brought one friend home from school with us and another got dropped off and it made me so so happy to see this little spontaneous gathering of friends in our yard. 

 You know what else makes me happy?  Baby chicks.  And springtime.  And my community. Counting down the last 18 days of teaching for my year and loving life right now...

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