Monday, April 25, 2016

and more photos....

It was one of those weekends.  You know, where you do All The Things and every one of them is perfect and your husband takes 400 great shots before lunchtime on Sunday and you're too busy living life to press pause and blog about it....
This last weekend, in brief (and LOTS of pictures....)

Saturday dawned cloudy, windy, and cool. Perfect weather for a little 10 mile run.

Hermes 10 miler.  Not sure if I exactly "ran like a god" but I did passably for not training all spring.  Didn't beat last year's time but only off by 4 minutes...
Straight on til morning... or soccer anyways.
 Froze our bippies off to watch these little ones play their hearts out. Totally worth it.

 It was pretty neat-- both kids ended up on teams stocked with kids they'd known since preK or before.  I loved seeing all those babies, all grown up, and being able to cheer for them by name.

This boy?  Amazing on so many levels.  Not only did he play with a fair amount of skill and a whole lot of passion, he kept on playing in the face of adversity.  And those of you that know Jack, know that this is a BIG thing. He's been enjoying playing goalie  (crazy!  he totally refused to do that last season...), and started the first game there... but things did not go well that game and the other team won.  He was on edge, but headed out to play game 2, in his favorite position, "halfback" (aka, Jack runs the length of the field trying to play all positions simultaneously....).  But, mid-game he got kicked in the knees by another player.  Not ordinarily a big deal except he's got two majorly skinned knees from a kickball mishap earlier in the week.  Ouch.  Jack down.  But-- he got back up and played out the game!  Headed to the sidelines in tears and got a bandaid on, felt his feelings--- then channeled them into game three, scoring 4 goals along the way.  
I am so proud of that kid. 

I scored myself a lovely afternoon by volunteering to run errands while Nat headed back home with our two plus a friend for Jack.  Stole some time shopping for clothes-- for me!  By myself!  At great prices!  and then headed home to this great text from Nat:  "Dewey's for dinner?"  Oh, yes.

Best idea ever.  We pigged out on pizza and relaxed at home and 30,000 steps on the fitbit later, it was a great Saturday well spent.

Sunday:  We took pictures.

Here are some from the sidelines of our professional family shoot at Wade Oval....

....And from our stop at Lakeview afterwards...

 Then, because it would have been criminal to spend a day like this in the house, cleaning, we visited holden arboretum and Lake Farm Park with our boarder, Jaclyn-- showing her a bit of American countryside before she leaves in a couple of weeks (we will miss  her!)...

Emergent tower. 202 steps!

Canopy walk!

Baby sheep!  There is just nothing more joyful in the world than this barn full of maaa-ing little fuzzies.  This guy!  He just stuck his head out and DEMANDED the love.  I could have stayed in there with the baby things all day...

Managed to get dinner swap cooked, most of the house cleaned, and even spread 5 bags of mulch in the yard before dark... All the things?  Check.  Charmed life?  Check.  Weekends like this I feel blessed beyond measure and beyond deserving.....

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