Thursday, April 21, 2016

Goodness and Light

Sunshine has returned and April is in bloom!  There is joy in my heart-- somewhere behind all the exhaustion.  You guys, I am worn. out. 

What I want to be doing, every moment, is to be out walking in our neighborhood, breathing the spring warm air, or sitting ensconced on our cozy porch.  I want to be able to bask, dammit.

But mostly I am driving and working like a madwoman and going to the gym and keeping up with testing schedules and making appointments and paying bills and racing home just barely in time for the next thing.....

At least it feels that way right now, hurtling towards 11pm at the end of a very looong work week.

Luckily we did squeeze in a weekend that looked a lot like this:

Loving our front porch right now.  So much sunshine without all those pesky leaves.  We dined al fresco both evenings at our little tiny metal table and it was so fine.

 And like this:
The start of soccer!  Jack was on fire, playing goalie and scoring rampantly and so thrilled to win all three games.  My Ivy girl actually kept up with the ball and made contact a few times, and toughed out a game and a half-- such an improvement.  It was actually almost  TOO hot out on Saturday.  No happy medium around here...

We've also found time to visit a pretty shwanky art show....

Ivy and Jack each had a piece on display at the CH-UH district-wide show at the library.

Oh-- and grilling out with friends, a family concert at Severance, an evening at Horseshoe Lake park, visiting the lake, core-aerating and mulching the yard.   

It was a great weekend, actually, and I owe you some more pictures of it. 

The memory of all that light helps ease the tiredness of this week.  Hoping for a bit more time to bask, in just a few short weeks!

A few things to remember:  
* Jack, saying he wants to only play classical music for piano from now on. Channeling his Grandpa Jon! The boy who doesn't even cry when he falls in kickball -- and did I tell you he played GOALIE?  Amazing. 
* Ivy, who can talk about nothing but earrings and the VERY particular arrangements of her upcoming birthday party-- the girl with the long legs who is so articulate all of a sudden and who can read "green eggs and ham" to us!

It just goes so fast, all of this goodness...

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