Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Flower walk

Tiny blog for you...

We went on a flower walk.

Spring is in the air and, finally, on the ground.  A chilly 45 degrees but sunny!  And the grass is greening and here and there, if you look for them....


A hint of glories to come.

look!  snowdrops among the daffodils!  

A flower hunt with my two little ones sometimes turns into a mud hunt.

Or a moss hunt.

Or dinner for a farmer and his horse.

Or sometimes one of your little ones walks with two sticks under her arms like crutches and it takes you an inordinate amount of time to make it around the block.

can you see her in the back there?  on her crutches?

Sometimes a flower hunt turns into greeting neighbors, stopping to breathe, and ambling in the springness of it all.

Sometimes stopping to smell the flowers turns into 45 minutes of wonderful.

That was tonight, for us.

Blessings and sunshine, all!

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