I have, in fact, continued to be Jack and Ivy's mom this month. And they've continued to amaze and amuse in myriad ways, too many to remember or detail for you. So many days I wish for a constant video recording of my life, to capture and hold those little moments, the things they say and how they say them, the sound of their voice and the set of their jaw, the way they hold their heads and move and dance and giggle right now. So many days recently I have been acutely aware that they will never be this young again. I think it is that Jack is so grown up all of a sudden. So complete in his boy-ness, so confident and real and solid and... grown. I search in him for that little baby I used to have, and there is no trace. There is just this boy, this bright and silly boy who manipulates and strives for independence even as he asks for snuggles and the lights on at night. And even Ivy. She is the baby around here, and I can see the baby in her still. But each day she's moving further from babyhood, talking in these amazing sentences, using sarcasm, acting like a real little person, herself. I find myself studying her hands, trying to memorize the soft lines of them, the indents at each knuckle, the smooth, smooth skin. They grow too fast. The silly sayings, they're all true. It does go so fast. The nights are long but the years are short. And today on Thanksgiving I am striving to be grateful for each of these quick, quick moments as they fly by. In the face of discontent, frustration, sick kids, screaming siblings, sacrifice, stress, and dirty, cluttered rooms, I will be grateful for the tiny, unique perfection of these little humans who share my home, these little humans who are a part of me, who come from me and will carry me forward in the world. These amazing beings who depend on me and needily call my name. I will be grateful for their pull because it will not last forever. Not like this. I will be grateful for 5-point harnesses and potty training, for power struggles and endless questions, for picky eaters and poor sleepers because I am so, so lucky to be their mom. I will not take them for granted.
Some photos from our days as of late. Please notice how amazing the weather has been. I will not take that for granted either.
Ice skating boy!
Forest Hills Park
The Zoo with Lillian and Naomi
Rocky River Beach
Turkey day trip to the park, time with Gram and Bec, and our lovely table.
Thankful for so much tonight...
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