Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On the ice

 Jack has started ice skating lessons.  Inspired by our raffle entry at Saturday's chili cook-off (for an annual pass to the rinks, which we sadly did not win), the boy has found a sudden and intense enthusiasm for learning to skate.  Monday we met at the rink at 4:30 and spent a chilly half hour watching our boy fall.  A lot.

But we also spent a half hour watching our boy get back up.  Over and over.  With a smile.

Can you understand what a big deal this is?  For a boy who says NO to every new experience, who balks at risk, who falls apart at failure? 

I was so. very. proud.

He was bubbling over at the end of the lesson, pink cheeked and smiling, begging to stay longer, can't wait to go back...

This is so totally worth $35.

Can you see him out there in this picture?  That's him, on the ice-- just about to GET BACK UP and KEEP SKATING.   This is huge, I tell you.

In other news, Barack Obama was just (mere moments ago) elected to a second term in office.  Sherrod Brown was re-elected to the Senate.  We are drinking beer in celebration.
 It is a good night.

Here are, in no particular order, some other moments from the past week...

Pretty baby in the bath.

Hanging out at Greg and Jeffrey's house.  These two staked out the little table, helping to set it up together, and eating there side by side.  They are exceedingly cute little friends, aren't they?

The day after Sandy hit, we went to view the rushing waters of a tiny creek...

...and walked in the drizzle (little did we know we'd hav ea full week of drizzle still to come)...

... and checked out all the downed trees in the Heights....

We got a new play cash register this weekend (thank you resales!) and Jack set up this little store around the perimeter of the table, all on his own.  He also spent a lot of time carefully copying the numbers and pictures from dollar bills to make his own money...

Ivy's had a tough cold this week but that hasn't stopped her from carefully organizing objects, one of her new pastimes.  She also likes to prognosticate: "Maybe I go outside now?  Maybe I haf a nakkie? (snack)" and to paint monochromatic, spatially limited artwork.   And, she's really really cute.

The sun came out today.  The kids went to the park.  Oh how we have missed the sun....It was good to be back outside..

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