Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rick or Reat!

That's how Ivy-girl says it-- and that's how she got so much candy in her pumpkin tonight, irresistable little fairy...

It was a magical Halloween night in our neighborhood, as usual, albeit 4 days late.  Thank goodness Cleveland heights rescheduled trick-or-treating!  What a miserable experience it would've been on Wednesday. Instead, tonight we crunched through leaves and wandered in the cold-but-dry air for over an hour, enjoying all the magic of candle flames and pumpkins, fog machines and troupes of costumed little ones..

The Perry's joined us again this year and it was so fun to watch our 5-year-olds run ahead, a fearless pair, waiting for each other, cutting across the grass, glow-stick necklaces trailing behind them.  They had so much fun.  Ive took a bit of time to warm up to the process but it all came back to her by about the 5th house and she was climbing up steps and rick-or-reating her way into the hearts of all our neighbors...  She's still recuperating from the tough cold that's working its way through our family, but sunshine girl put it aside while she enjoyed Halloween..

Other highlights of this weekend:

Taking the kids to Playhouse Square for the first of our Family Series shows-- watching their eyes light up as the show started, as they settled into those wonderful theater seats, as they took in the gilt and murals and glory of the wonderful space.    I have so many memories of going to plays as a child;  I hope it is as integral to Jack and Ivy's future as it has been to life..

The first annual Cleveland Heights chili cook-off-- a delightful, home grown little event, a community wide fundraiser and a chance to come together with neighbors after this strange, stormy week...

Here's Jack helping to pull raffle tickets.  He was SO into this.  SO into it.  He was sure we were going to win, every. single. time.  His little self just shook with the excitement of it.  We didn't win anything, incidentally.  He handled this remarkably well.  I just couldn't get over him, marching up tot he front of the room with all the other kids, ready to help...

Oh yeah, and this weird bright thing was spotted in the sky this weekend.   By other people, that is.  I have yet to see it personally.  But-- there is hope!

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