Monday, January 23, 2012

Winter Quiet

Apologies for the quiet here on the babies' blog.  There are times in life when keeping up with two blogs is, apparently, one blog too many.

To my credit, though-- it's been quiet in real life, too.  A soft, settled sort of quiet that comes from two weekends with no big events and the resuming of our full back-to-school routine in between.

The kind of quiet that comes from two kids who are suddenly, somehow, acting like brother and sister.

They play together.

They eat together.

Jack pulls Ivy down off of high places.

Ivy kisses Jack's boo-boos.

They love each other.

They are paragons of virtue these days, really.  Or maybe that's just the 2 good nights of sleep in a row talking.

Really though-- can you beat this for cute?

They play by themselves!  They sit and look at books!  I am beginning to see glimmers of a time when they get up and get themselves breakfast on Saturday mornings....

I am really, really looking forward to those future Saturday mornings.

In the meantime, though-- Saturday mornings are for playing Go Fish.

Or Go Shark, or Go Squid, or Go Octopus as the case may be, thanks to Nat's introduction of "Word of the Day."  Jack's been on a sea-life kick and so this week we've been watching videos of reef-squid laying eggs, making flashcards, finding the letter S, drawing lots of tentacles, and chanting things like, "S-H-A-R-K, woooo! Go shark!"

Our house is fun.

Not to be outdone, Ivy can identify the letter "i" in multiple settings and can count to two, thank you very much.  She continues to add to her lexicon daily and we are astounded by the depth of her communication considering she still speaks primarily in single words.

For instance, "one"  (or one-nuh, as she pronounces it) can mean one as in I want one of those, or it can mean "I want to count now!" or it can mean "There's another one of those right there!"  She loves pointing out "another one".

"Go" can mean "I want to get going now" or it can be short for "There you go" when it is paired with one of our names and the insistent presentation of some object, very close to our faces.  " 'go, Mommy!" as she hands me a dishtowel.  " 'go, Dack!" as she brings him a cookie (which she grabbed for herself off the kitchen counter no less).

She's intensely independent and intensely loving and intensely cute.

 The above pictures were taken at a recent birthday party for lovely friend Sibel, at The Little Gym.  I have to say I am a fan of the place and would seriously think about enrolling both of my little monkeys in gymnastics there if I were, in fact, made of money.

Sadly, I am not, so the occasional birthday party will have to suffice.

Love to all!

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