Here they are enjoying gale-force winds at the top of the Coventry park hill. Ivy took her first trip down the big hill, which she greeted with a "WHEEEEE!" Jack was fearless and even handled a head-over-heels tumble when his sled careened into the tires at the edge of the playground. He discovered the joy of going down the hill on his tummy on the spinny slide, which led to many cries of "one more time!" and to us leaving about 5 minutes later than we should have-- cold-fingered sad little beings on the way home. Cold fingered sad little beings who wanted to immediately play some more when we arrived at the house...
Here are a few more moments from the first few days of our New Year.
Saturday was the first annual "New Toddler's Eve, wherein 8 little children played and danced and watched a disco ball slowly descend from a dining room light fixture at Greenwich Mean Time before we headed home to put them all to bed...
Our boy is very into games on the computer these days.
Both kiddos have a bit of winter crud right now. Jack has the runny-nose-and-occasional-cough variety; Ivy the spike-a-fever-at-night variety. But they aren't letting it get them down.
Happy New Year!
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