The birthday boy spent a good portion of his actual-factual birthday rather miserable with a fever. Sigh. The rest of the day? He spent it cracking us up with the things he says. A random sampling:
* This morning upon waking he was observed to look intently at his hands, feet, and tummy, and then remark, "How can I be 4?? I still look like I did when I was 3 1/2!"
* While playing an "I Spy" game, we had the following exchange:
(after finding the whale) Me: "Can you find another animal that lives in the water?"
Jack: (aiming flashlight at the fish) "F-i-sh"
Me: (pointing at the seal) "Where does this animal live?"
Jack: It lives sometimes on the land and sometimes in the water."
Me: "How did you find out so much about seals??"
Jack: "I don't know, I guess I just have a good brain."
* In the car on the way home from riding the trains at Penitentiary Glen (his birthday outing, which we managed to squeeze in before he started feeling crummy):
(note: this was pretty much out of the blue.)
"What, Jack?"
"What if we had a waterproof smartphone and we could take pictures with it under water???"
This led, somehow, to a long discussion about waterproof cupcakes. Jack noted that a waterproof cupcake would be soggy, but not tooo soggy. Just a little bit.
(Oh, and lest we forget, a fine moment from last weekend, leaving the Greek Festival, Daddy walking ahead holding our newly purchased rainbow windsock which he had, moments before, compared to a squid. Jack, in the stroller, decided it would be fun to be pushed through the trailing tails of the windsock and so he enthusiastically ordered me, the whole way to the car: "Run the squid! C'mon mom! Run the squid!"
I could go on, if I could remember them all.
It is crazy to think this is the little tiny baby we weld in amazement 4 years ago today, little curled soft thing asleep on my chest and now he is this boy, barrel chested and lanky and talking up a storm, putting the world and words together and sorting it all out with impeccable, four-year-old logic.
He is a delight.
And, for the record, feeling "quite a bit" (his words) better thanks to the wonders of Advil, snugly tucked in under his new "bed shader" (AKA fabulous bed tent) up in that big bed, 3 newly-beloved Bakugan tucked in with him. He had a great weekend. So did we...
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