It's been a lovely week, really. A few days spent at school, doing tutoring and working in my room (and I have to tell you, I could really get into this being my level of work, all the time...), the rest of the time spent with my family. Jack and I had a mommy-son "date" on Wednesday and oh, it was delightful to spend some one on one time with that boy of mine. Turns out, he's pretty wonderful. And at his very best when he is getting absolute, one-to-one attention. We went out to breakfast and it was amazing-- he ate, we chatted, he was perfect. We went to the dollar store where he selected a new HotWheel and a "glow-up shooter." (Turns out, he's a boy, too. He noted at the art museum today, as we entered the armor court, "I just LOVE shooters!") Then we went to Wade Oval where we ran and chased balls, per his request. (When asked where we should go for our date, his response sounded something like "I can wear my sneakers and you can wear your sneakers and we can run and jump and I can jump while I am running and jump while I am walking." Kid knows what he wants.) A lovely morning. We met Nat and Ive for lunch at the parent center and then, in lieu of a rainy Wade Oval Wednesday, we went to Chick-Fil-A. Love that place. Peach Milkshakes and two happy kids in a Playplace. Not to mention air conditioning. Sublime.
Friday, we went to Stan Hywet. Melinda and Will and the gang met us there and we wpent a wonderful 3 hours in the gardens. In a few years we'll visit the house again... sigh... for this trip I enjoyed the view of the exterior architecture as seen over the tops of two little blonde heads.
Or sometimes, four.
Nat captured this one of Melinda and I, brood in tow. What would our college selves have thought of this...
I think they would be pleased. With the "Secret Garden", at any rate. It seems our children love these magical paths as much as we do.
Today, continued the theme, with a trip to the Botanical Gardens with friends Erik and Sarah and their daughter Claire (one week older than Jack, and his friend since the age of 10 months...) Children played in sand and dipped toes in the pond and climbed and laughed. Another hot, sunny, perfect day in an entrancing, perfect place. Can't help but think how wonderfully lucky we are. Wonderfully.
You'll notice in this next set the children are wearing different clothing. That's because these are from last week. We get to visit this place every week. See what I mean about lucky?
It is so cute to watch Ivy as she attempts to do every little thing Jack does...she knows just what to do.
Finally, the most kissable little face in the world. The boy was a little tired after our trip yesterday...
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