Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

I have been completely worn out by the wonderful weekend. Whew.

It's been a remarkably relaxing 3-day weekend, with a nice blend of time alone and time with kids, trips out and about and time spent at home. We've done very little housework, which accounts for a lot of it. As does the fact that the sun's been out for at least 75% of the weekend, and I've slept in til 7 every day (oh the decadence). And, our kids are really, really cute.

From May 2011 2nd album (after Ivy's birthday)

I'm still worn out, though.

Today: Went for a run this morning, then took the kids to the park, by wagon, while Nat went and got some work done. Off to Melinda and Will's for a Memorial Day picnic where we alternately pushed kids in swings, helped them on slides, or generally chased them around for 3 hours straight. In the 90 degree heat. And the 90% humidity. To Target, home for dinner, then Ive and I walked the dog around the block before I put her to bed, took my car to the car wash, and went to dinner swap. I've made the mistake of sitting down, here on the couch, and I am wondering if I'll be able to muster the energy to get to bed.

It's a good sort of tired, though, you know? A "quality time" tired. A sun-warmed tired, a muscles-well-used tired. A tired that tells me I've spent my time well, today.

** Disclaimer: Jack is NOT actually drinking this beer. He blantanly refuses to try beer. But, wow, does it look like he is enjoying this beer in this picture, eh?

Thanks, Memorial Day weekend, for being wonderful. Off tomorrow to start the last 8 days of school. Wish me luck with the insanity!


Melinda said...

Jack has mastered the badass-on-a-motorcycle look already. Does that just happen??

BabyJack said...

He's just a natural, Melinda. :)